Other Obsessions

Obsessions! I am full of them. Here are some to share.

For more Obsessions from my alter ego go to https://www.cucaesteves.com/

To her YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/CucaEsteves

This picture is from the opening number for “In Constant Flux”, a show about improvisation at Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, 2007.


Cuca Esteves recent musical experiments
New Faithful Disco, choreography by Meg Wolfe, premiered at RedCat Theater in Los Angeles, January 2016.
Los Laberintos de Cleo, a book for children in Spanish, but more than that. It is also Storytelling with toy and strange objects and music and the friends of the Toy Orchestra. It is an installation/adventure and workshop all in one. The book was published in November 2015 by Las Meninas Cartoneras, and the presentations are still going, soon in The Hague, Madrid, Alicante and more! Los Laberintos de Cleo is based in the installation/performance we did with Marcel Kaars in 2013, Kronnkel. Soon Los Laberintos will have it’s own page!
Madrid Laberintos2
Laberintos Buenos Aires4

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